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2023 Project List

December 26, 2022

2023 project list.

2023 project list. With Christmas over and the New Year among us, I’m ITCHING to think about our future projects. Thanksgiving and Christmas took over our focus for a bit, but I’m excited to think about where to pick back up in the New Year. I shared recently that our project list never goes to plan, but I still think it’s nice to TRY and see what can be achieved in a year. So here is what we are thinking lies ahead in 2023.

  1. Finish laundry room.
  2. Finish breakfast nook.
  3. Finish patio.
  4. Paint our bedroom.
  5. Mia’s “big girl room”
  6. Updates in living room.
  7. Updates in guest bedroom.
  • Finish Laundry room. From the initial inspiration that took place in February of 2022 (actually in the middle of the bathroom renovation) pieces of inspiration would hit me here and there and I’d paste it on my computer. Over the next few months, things just kept becoming more and more clear how I’d like this room to look and function and by September, I truly thought I was on track to finish the room for the one room challenge! Welllll, it turns out having a kid, being a wife and trying to do room renovation projects yourself isn’t actually achievable in a realistic time frame. It was a disappointment at first, but honestly it’s so nice not having the pressure to finish a project ASAP dictate my life. Right now, I’m just waiting on the right moment to order the floors, pick out a countertop, paint the cabinets and then install everything. This is top priority on our list!
  • Finish breakfast nook. Thankfully in this room, we don’t have much to do. We’re on a stand still with this project because of the patio. They will be wiring lights outside and since the switch to turn those on will be inside, they will be needing to drill through our house leaving more holes. We decided it was smartest not to complete this project until the patio is finished, which brings me to number 3.
  • Finish patio. This one is actually #1 on our list for projects for 2023 because it’s a major project! Time is money and right now getting it done in a timely manner is our priority. The sooner we can get this done, the sooner we can let Skye outside without coming back inside with muddy paws. We currently have the footings in place and hopefully will be getting concrete poured and I just realized that this is probably a great time to right a blog post on the whole project!
  • Paint our bedroom. Really wanting to go bold and dramatic in here. This thought has trickled into my mind a few times over the last year and I’ve been hesitant to even start because I knew it would make me want to replace a couple things. I have told myself that I don’t need to start ANOTHER project, but this is one that I think I could knock out in a couple days and would REALLY change the look and mood of the whole space!
  • Mia’s big girl room. Every few weeks Will asks me when we plan on moving Mia upstairs into the room we designed for her all along and I really just don’t know! I love having her close in our closet but also realize it’s probably time to get her in her own bed and own room now that she pretty much always sleeps through the night. Right now I just feel like I have too much going on to focus on that but maybe later in the year would be a great time to reassess.
  • Updates in living room. I really love our living room and considering it’s the one room of the house we spend most of our time, I’d love it to function as best as possible. Right now, especially after Christmas, we have SO many toys laying around and it drives me nuts! I’d love to change up a couple pieces of furniture to allow for more storage to hide those toys!
  • Updates in guest bedroom. This project is slow going and the least of our priorities right now. Ultimately I’d love to work with some small businesses and brands to kick start this room. Just waiting for the right timing! I know I’d like to add wainscoating, paint, hang new curtains, and change out art.


Thanks for letting me bore you to death with all our projects. I realize projects take time and money and I may not be able to get to half of these (just like what happened in 2022), but it doesn’t hurt to try! As far as my personal & professional 2023 goals for Hayden Interiors, I kind of have a lot of thoughts on that. In a nutshell, 2022 was amazing in so many ways personally, but as a whole professionally, I still felt completely discouraged. I didn’t meet any of my goals professionally in several different areas that I won’t get in to. While there were days I wanted to quit altogether, I think it helped me shift my priorities. I learned a ton this year and I think that deserves it’s own blog post one day.

Let me leave you with saying this: I’m grateful for the struggles and the discouragement. I am thankful for the “failures” and the closed doors. I have learned that my journey may look different from someone else’s and that is OKAY. My worth doesn’t come from how I do compared to other people. My worth comes from knowing that I have come SO much farther from where I started. My mindset for 2023 is to let go of things I can’t control and focus more on the stuff that I can. So if you are walking through a similar boat of silent struggles and discouragement, please know you aren’t alone. I think when life closes certain doors, it makes an opportunity for better ones to come our way. So, bring it on 2023!

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Intentional Design for Beautiful Spaces

Jackson, Tennessee

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